Thank You for asking for feedback regarding your child’s swimming lessons

Our swimming teacher will get back in touch with you as soon as possible.

Other sessions that may be of interest

Encourage your child to swim and bring them to one of our public sessions.

Family Swim – Sunday 10-12 noon

The most suitable session is our Family Swim on a Sunday 10-12 noon.

No need to book.

Price: £6.80 for 1 adult and 1 child (extra adult and child at discounted rate). A family of four can get in for £12.30!

Summer Holidays Family Fun Swims

During the summer holiday we also have ‘Family Fun Swims’. We provide toys, floats, woggles and balls for your child to play with in these special sessions.

1:45pm-2:45pm every Wednesday and Friday. No need to book.

Price: £6.80 for 1 adult and 1 child (extra adult and child at discounted rate). A family of four can get in for £12.30!