Something for everyone

There’s always lots going on at Zest but this summer we’ve got even more to offer our local community and the wider Sheffield area. And for those that don’t already know here’s a flavour of just some of the work we do behind the scenes here at Zest

New gym equipment and swimming sessions

Our leisure team recently announced the revamp of the gym with a brand-new free weights section to complement our first-class weight lifting equipment.

We’ve also recently announced a new men only swimming session on Friday mornings with our women only sessions and parent and toddler groups continuing to be amazingly popular. It’s not surprising when you consider the incredible value we offer our customers.

Our library also remains a firm favourite and is a huge resource for the local population with our children’s library always packed with eager young people looking to learn more.


If you’ve been in recently you’ll know we’ve revamped our reception area too with a clean modern feel and subtle coloured mood lighting that reflects our brand identity. We’ve also seen our café run by Food Works Upperthorpe get an overhaul with new flooring. It’s all go!

So much more – behind the scenes

But there’s so much more. Our leisure facilties are what most people know us for, but behind the scenes is a team of almost 80 people tirelessly delivering a vast range of services to the local community and across the city.

We organise these teams into three distinct but often overlapping categories specialising in health, communities and work and training.

Working with young people

Our role includes working with young people, providing support, opportunities, experiences and training to help build confidence and better provide futures where individuals can feel optimistic.

Health and wellbeing

Together we offer services that are designed to improve people’s health and wellbeing. We provide support services for people who have had problems with their mental health and work closely with local primary care networks to deliver social prescribing opportunities. We’re also active in a number of programmes to promote wellbeing through healthy eating and active lifestyles.

Work and training

We provide opportunities for people to find employment and deliver training to improve their chances of success. We also provide personal development courses to help individuals manage anxiety and stress.

Creating communities that can

We work on projects to support local parents in Sheffield. And we’re proud of a community’s team that champions local volunteering, mentoring and gets out in the community tackling housing issues and promoting equality and inclusion

Our goals are to champion disadvantaged communities in Sheffield. Support communities where everyone feels valued and to provide health and wellbeing initiatives that really make a difference to people’s lives. You can read more about our mission and vision here.

If you would like to join us on our journey there are three ways to be part of what we do: