Walking for Purpose Session online (Spring 5-week programme) Booking required

Walking for Purpose is a 5-week programme that aims to benefit your mental health and wellbeing through connection, reflection, being in nature and getting active.

Each session has a virtual group workshop facilitated via Zoom followed by a short walk the next day helping you to explore Sheffield. Each week has a different theme which are:

Week 1/ Getting to Know you – an introduction to the programme and each other

Week 2/ Past – Exploring Sheffield, reflection and mind-set

Week 3/ Present – Cultivating mindfulness and awareness

Week 4/ Future – Goal setting and motivation

Week 5/ Moving On – What’s next? Keeping you connected

*We want to make the programme as accessible as possible. If you are interested in the programme but you have any physical or mental health difficulties that may impact your engagement, please make us aware and we will do what we can to support, enable and empower.

The next set of sessions start in April (from Tues 20th April) with online sessions on Tuesdays at 6.30pm and walks on Wednesdays at 11am.

To Book please contact: abi.goodman@zestcommunity.co.uk    Phone: 07928 814 805