Current Trustees

  • Kelly Daubney

    Kelly currently works as a Senior Manager (Health, Children’s and Carers’ Projects) for Sheffield Mencap and Gateway and previously worked as Operations Manager at Zest.

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  • Simon Jones

    Simon was born in Sheffield and has grown up and lived in Upperthorpe for over 40 years, his father came to the UK from the Caribbean in 1955 as part of the Windrush Generation.

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  • Lucy Smith

    Lucy is a member trustee and local resident with three children, two of whom regularly use Zest swimming baths. Lucy loves being part of activities that bring communities together and currently works for South Yorkshire Housing Association.

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  • Alison Grist

    Alison has been working out of the Upperthorpe Library building since 1981(!) and has supported and provided advice for countless people in the local community over the years and championed the rights of the under represented and unheard. Alison has an intimate understanding of the needs of our community and is well placed to support and steer our work going forward.

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  • Kathryn Mudge

    Kathryn is Co-chair of the Trustees Board. She currently works for Sheffield City Council as the Service Manager in Sport Leisure and Events Team. Previous to this role, Kathryn worked as a Development Manager for Yorkshire Sport Foundation and has worked within the Sport Development environment for 15 years.

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  • Dave Thornett

    Dave is Head of Business Development for Key Fund Investments, a social investor operating across the North of England.

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